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Initiatives backed by Agency for Strategic Initiatives to become part of national projects

"I’m asking the government, ministries and agencies to synchronize efforts, acting in a close team, in partnership with the agency on the most important directions of its activities," the head of state said

MOSCOW, May 22. /TASS/. Initiatives supported by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) should become part of national projects, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the ASI supervisory board.

"The active participation in the development of Russia, our regions, cities and settlements, is the top reward, a strong inspiring incentive for active efficient people, which is why civil, entrepreneurship initiatives supported by the agency should be definitely reflected in national projects," he said.

"I’m asking the government, ministries and agencies to synchronize efforts, acting in a close team, in partnership with the agency on the most important directions of its activities," Putin said, adding that the issue is about staff training, improvement of business climate and social area.