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Russia realizes US to pressure all its partners — Kremlin spokesman

Dmitry Peskov explained that the bilateral negotiations were intended to "provide a new, additional impetus to development of the Russian-Vietnamese cooperation"

MOSCOW, June 21. /TASS/. Moscow clearly realizes that Washington will continue to pressure all its partners, including Vietnam, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

"We have no doubts that the United States will pressure all our partners. But the cooperation that we offer is completely devoid of any confrontation regarding third countries. It is mutually beneficial and, of course, totally meets the interests of our partners, including Vietnam," he noted, commenting on the reaction to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit in Hanoi.

Peskov explained that the bilateral negotiations were intended to "provide a new, additional impetus to development of the Russian-Vietnamese cooperation."

"Especially considering that the potential in all kinds of areas is big. The negotiations were exceptionally substantial, specific. Concrete topics were discussed. Now, a big work lies ahead at the expert, business level, in order to begin the implementation of these things," the spokesman concluded.