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Russia doesn’t see sense in new 'gatherings' on Ukraine with West’s current approach — MFA

President of Russia Vladimir Putin "spoke very specifically and clearly about the parameters of the settlement that we are ready to accept" and "we have not heard anything other than denial of these proposals," Sergey Ryabkov said

MOSCOW, June 19. /TASS/. Moscow sees no point in participating in the second conference on Ukraine in Switzerland and "subsequent gatherings a la Burgenstock" in the current conditions of the anti-Russian frenzy of the West, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said in an interview with TASS.

When asked whether Russia will take part in new meetings on Ukraine in Switzerland if it receives an appropriate invitation, the deputy minister recalled the position of the Russian leader.

"I cannot anticipate anything in this regard. President [of Russia Vladimir Putin] spoke very specifically and clearly about the parameters of the settlement that we are ready to accept and at which a restart of negotiations interrupted in 2022 is possible," Ryabkov said.

"So far, we have not heard anything other than denial of these proposals. Naturally, in the conditions of this total negativism and anti-Russian frenzy, what kind of participation can we talk about in any subsequent gatherings a la Burgenstock?" he added.

The diplomat stressed that all Putin’s proposals are set out "on paper."

"They [in the West] can turn to this position at any moment. The President has comprehensively said what needs to be done and how. The road map is on the table, let them read these proposals, understand their logic and then react. So far this has not happened," he said.