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Growing volume of weapons for Ukraine proves NATO seeks escalation — Russian UN envoy

"The west wages a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine", the diplomat said

UNITED NATIONS, May 18. /TASS/. The growing volume of weapons sent to Ukraine indicate that NATO member states seek escalation of the conflict, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said during a Security Council meeting Thursday.

"Western states keep saying persistently that they are not parties to the conflict, but only help Ukraine to defend itself. However, the reality is quite the opposite. The west wages a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Since the last council meeting on shipments of Western weapons to Ukraine in February, not only has their volume not decreased, but it keeps growing. This proves NATO member states’ intent for escalation. Obviously, they are not interested in any peaceful settlement of the conflict," the diplomat said.

"Shipments of increasingly powerful weapons, in combination with continued provision of intelligence for strikes and training Ukrainian soldier on their territories make these states not only parties to the armed conflict with Russia, […] but complicit in war crimes of Ukrainian armed forces and nationalist battalions," Nebenzya underscored.