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Yangpu Port's throughput hits record 8800 containers in one day

According to Hainan Daily, the port's daily throughput has steadily increased and set records for the fourth consecutive year

HAIKOU /China/, February 18. /TASS/. Throughput of Yangpu port in the southern Chinese province of Hainan reached a new record high on February 13, exceeding 8.8 thousand TEU (equivalent of a standard 20-foot container) in one day, the Hainan Daily newspaper reported.

According to its data, February 13 container turnover of the port amounted to 8,817 TEU, which is a new record with the previous one set on March 10, 2023, when the throughput of Yangpu exceeded 8 thousand TEU in a day.

Yangpu Port's daily throughput has been steadily increasing and setting records for the fourth year in a row, the newspaper wrote. Thus, on July 28, 2021, the indicator exceeded 6 thousand TEU in one day for the first time, on May 20, 2022 - 7 thousand TEU, on March 10, 2023 - 8 thousand TEU. Almost a year later, on February 13, 2024, throughput reached almost 9 thousand TEU in one day. It is noted that on the same day in the port moored three cargo ships.

The article noted that the port also worked on the Lunar New Year holidays. Regardless of the fact that there was a national holiday in China from February 10 to 17, the port employees were at work.

Yangpu port's daily throughput continues to grow due to an increase in the number of shipping routes, among other things, the paper stated. The port is connected to all coastal cities in China and key harbors in Southeast Asia. It is involved in intercontinental transportation in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans, the newspaper notes.

Yangpu Port is located in the northwest of Hainan Province. By the end of 2023, it accepted more than 1.83 million standard containers, increasing its turnover by 3.75%. The port's cargo turnover at the end of the year increased by 8.56%, exceeding 58 million tons.
