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Dnieper Hydroelectric Plant goes offline, disrupting Ukrainian defense output — official

According to Vladimir Rogov, the disabling of the power plant is designed to help halt production in the interests of the Ukrainian armed forces

MELITOPOL, June 18. /TASS/. Electricity generation at the Dnieper Hydroelectric Plant came to a halt following a Russian strike, disrupting production for Ukrainian armed forces, said Russian Civic Chamber member Vladimir Rogov.

"The Dnieper Hydroelectric Plant no longer generates electricity, following a strike a week ago. There were efforts to bring it back online, but they failed," said the official, who is chairman of the Civic Chamber's commission on sovereignty, patriotic projects and support for veterans. "The plant was important in terms of stabilizing energy supply and room for maneuver, playing a key role not only in the Zaporozhye Region, but also in the entire region along the Dnieper. This capacity has been knocked out now and can be replaced only through imports."

According to Rogov, the disabling of the power plant is designed to help halt production in the interests of the Ukrainian armed forces.

"This is a blow to military production facilities in the city of Zaporozhye, which also produced drones. There were strikes on one of the workshops. And metallurgy, which is the driving force in terms of meeting the needs of the military and supplies for Ukrainian forces," he said.

Rogov said the strikes were carried out with surgical precision as "the dam was not breached and the connection between the two river banks was preserved."

Rogov earlier told TASS that missile strikes on the plant were carried out in March and May, and resulted in a partial incapacitation of the plant's turbine rooms.