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No progress on matters of Russian diplomatic property in US — Russian ambassador

According to Antonov, the problem of Russian diplomatic property is among the central issues in the contacts with US colleagues

MOSCOW, June 25. /TASS/. No dynamics is seen on the issue of Russian diplomatic property in the United States but Russia will continue its efforts, Russian Ambassador to that country Anatoly Antonov said on Friday.

"As of today, there is no progress. They are not going to return our illegally seized diplomatic property either in San Francisco, or in Washington, or in Seattle," he said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 television channel. "Naturally, it is sad but I would tell you that we will continue our efforts and will continue to demand Russian diplomatic property be returned."

"Today, five days after my return here, they gave to understand quite clearly: ‘you can sell or buy but we will not grant diplomatic status to any of the newly acquired facilities," he added.

According to Antonov, the problem of Russian diplomatic property is among the central issues in the contacts with US colleagues.

On September 2, 2017, the United States’ authorities closed Russia’s consulate general in San Francisco, the trade mission in Washington and its rented office in New York. The former two facilities are Russia’s government property and enjoy diplomatic immunity. Moscow described the seizure of Russian diplomatic property as an openly hostile step and called on the United States to immediately return these facilities.

On March 26, 2018, Washington closed Russia’s consulate general in Seattle (rented premises) and the consul general’s residence (Russia’s property).