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Clean Arctic volunteers competition winners may travel to Cape Chelyuskin

According to Roman Yershov, leader of the Hydrometeorology and Environment Monitoring's Northern Branch, said the most important data is provided by scientists when they inform volunteers about locations for cleanup missions

ARKHANGELSK, June 3. /TASS/. Winners in the Clean Arctic volunteer competition will be able to travel to the country's northernmost mainland point - Cape Chelyuskin - in the fall of 2024, said press service of a national Arctic youth forum in Arkhangelsk.

"Clean Arctic volunteers have the opportunity to get to Cape Chelyuskin this fall already," the press service said. "This year, we will announce a competition among the project's best volunteers - winners will join a real Arctic expedition to Russia's and Eurasia's northernmost point - Cape Chelyuskin."

Traveler Matvey Shparo addressed the event, saying "our Big Arctic expedition was successful - we have prepared everything so that Clean Arctic's teams could go to Cape Chelyuskin this autumn to begin the initial cleanup there. We have agreed with Roshydromet (national hydrometeorology service) that they will help with transportation of collected waste. We hope this way we will be able to transport from there up to 10 tons of barrels. Accommodation, tools, equipment - everything is ready and waiting for one of you," the press service quoted Shparo as saying.

According to Roman Yershov, leader of the Hydrometeorology and Environment Monitoring's Northern Branch, said the most important data is provided by scientists when they inform volunteers about locations for cleanup missions. "We need to think what to do about what's been left since the USSR times. Back then, they could not take out waste, because it is a complex technological process. Our task is to apply efforts to eliminate this accumulated damage. Right, it will take decades, but we will do it eventually. Human labor is the most environmentally friendly way to eliminate this environmental damage," he said.

About the forum

The 3rd All-Russian Youth Forum "Arctic. The ice has moved" runs in Arkhangelsk to June 3. The event features more than 400 delegates from Russia's 78 regions, and 16 foreign representatives from seven countries (Belarus, Pakistan, Serbia, Slovakia, Moldova, China, Mongolia). The forum's organizers are Rosmolodezh (Russia's youth affairs agency), Clean Arctic and the Arkhangelsk Region.