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Biden harms US national security by dragging out conflict in Ukraine — The Hill op-ed

It is noted that Beijing may also be interested in prolonging the conflict, because it weakens Washington’s position with respect to the Taiwan conflict

WASHINGTON, March 16. /TASS/. US President Joe Biden’s desire to prolong the conflict in Ukraine and turn it into a "forever war" is a mistake from the standpoint of US national security, retired US Air Force Colonel Jonathan Sweet and economist Mark Toth said in a joint op-ed for Washington publication The Hill Thursday.

According to the authors, the situation in Ukraine is turning into a "protracted chess game," in which neither Russia nor the US is willing to achieve a decisive "checkmate," but Washington fails to take into account that time is on Moscow’s side.

"Biden’s adoption of a ‘forever war’ approach in the misguided belief it will force Russia to the negotiating table" is a "glaring national security fallacy," the authors claim.

They note that, while Washington and NATO consider adding ATACMS rockets, F-16 jet fighters and other lethal equipment to the "chessboard," Russia buys time "to add back rooks, knights and bishops" to the battlefield, such as the Kinzhal hypersonic missile.

Much of the developing world is being enveloped in an "economic and diplomatic purgatory" due to Biden’s fallacy, and such countries are closely observing the chess match between the superpowers, yet are powerless to influence its outcome, the experts note, adding that Washington’s policy is leading to a growing number of human casualties.

According to the authors, Beijing may also be interested in prolonging the conflict, because it weakens Washington’s position with respect to the Taiwan conflict.