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Red Cross confirms release of two Russian women by Hamas — Russian diplomat

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, noted that we are talking about Irina Tatti and Elena Trufanova
Official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova Valery Sharifulin/TASS
Official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova
© Valery Sharifulin/TASS

MOSCOW, November 30. /TASS/. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has confirmed that Hamas handed over two Russian women, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told TASS.

"The ICRC has confirmed the transfer of two Russian nationals: Irina Alexandrovna Tatti and Yelena Yulianovna Trufanova (mother and daughter - TASS) by Hamas," she said.

On November 26, radical Palestinian movement Hamas released Russian citizen Ron Krivoy, who had not been included in the exchange list with Israel, handing him over to representatives of the Red Cross. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova confirmed that the release of the Russian citizen took place thanks to the efforts of Russian diplomats who were in direct contact with Hamas.