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Moscow outraged at French Foreign Ministry’s plans to create tribunal for Russia

"For some reason, Paris keeps turning a blind eye to the Kiev regime’s eight-year-long lawlessness against Donbass residents who continue to die every day in artillery and missile attacks," the ministry added

MOSCOW, December 2. /TASS/. Moscow is outraged at the French Foreign Ministry’s statement about plans to create a tribunal to investigate "Russian aggression," the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

"We are outraged at the statement issued by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs about plans to establish a special tribunal ‘for crimes of Russian aggression.’ In addition to trying to engage the International Criminal Court, Western countries have decided to promote the idea of creating another purely politicized ‘judicial’ authority, which in fact has nothing to do with justice," the Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out.

"For some reason, Paris keeps turning a blind eye to the Kiev regime’s eight-year-long lawlessness against Donbass residents who continue to die every day in artillery and missile attacks," the ministry added. It also recommended that Paris start by creating a special tribunal for its own crimes committed during colonial wars, punitive operations and attempts to interfere in the affairs of others in various parts of the world.

"Out of the numerous teams of lawyers and forensic experts that France sends to Ukraine, at least one expert should have been tasked with studying the well-publicized atrocities committed by Ukrainian nationalists, as well as with visiting the Russian territories that keep coming under Ukrainian fire," the statement stressed.

The Russian Foreign Ministry also emphasized that Western countries’ current attempt to hastily set up "a quasi-judicial mechanism" was another example of the West’s policy of double standards. "Such a neighborhood gang will never have jurisdiction over Russia," the ministry concluded.