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Missile debris found in Poland could have been left over from exercise — broadcaster

It is reported that fragments of an air-to-surface missile were spotted in the woods a dozen kilometers from the town of Bydgoszcz

MOSCOW, April 27. /TASS/. The fragments of a missile found in Poland earlier this week could have been left behind after Polish army exercises, the RMF radio station said, citing sources on Wednesday.

The broadcaster said the debris may have been left over from testing of an air defense system, being purchased for the Polish army. The exercise was part of a fast-tracked project to create a modern air defense system in Poland, the radio station said. However, it is not yet known exactly where the debris came from: the missile itself or the object that was used as a target, the RMF reports.

Fragments of an air-to-surface missile were spotted in the woods a dozen kilometers from the town of Bydgoszcz, the radio station reported on Wednesday morning. Earlier, Prosecutor-General and Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro said the wreckage of a military air object on the territory of the country had been found. He did not elaborate.
