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Warsaw’s Soviet Military Cemetery cleared after vandal attack

Vandals desecrated the Soviet Military Cemetery in the Polish capital on September 18

WARSAW, September 21. /TASS/. Warsaw’s Soviet Military Cemetery desecrated by vandals a few days ago has been cleared from offensive inscriptions, a TASS journalist reported on Thursday.

According to workers who are completing clean-up of the damaged elements of the cemetery, the paint used by the vandals easily comes off after applying chemical agents and water under pressure.

The cemetery was desecrated overnight into Monday, Polish police said. Inscriptions "Death to enemies of the people," "Traitors," "Get out of our country" and other insulting expressions were painted with red and gold paint on various elements of the memorial complex. The Russian Embassy in Poland expressed resolute protest to Poland’s authorities and called on them to bring the memorial to proper condition as soon as possible, as well as find and punish those responsible.

The Soviet Military Cemetery was founded in 1950 on Zwirki i Wigury St, Warsaw. About 22,000 Soviet soldiers killed during Poland’s liberation from Nazi invaders are buried there. The main walkway leads to a fifteen-meter granite obelisk where guests from various countries and locals bring flowers and lit candles on state and religious holidays (both Polish and Russian). The memorial plaque reads in two languages: "To the memory of the Soviet Army soldiers who fell while liberating Poland from German occupation in the years 1944-1945.".