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Polish Foreign Ministry summons Russian charge d’affaires over missile incident

"In the evening, Deputy Foreign Minister Wladyslaw Teofil Bartoszewski summoned the Charge d’Affaires of the Russian Federation, Andrey Ordash, to hand him a note in which the Foreign Ministry demands an explanation concerning the incident involving the incursion of a cruise missile into Polish," the statement said

MOSCOW, December 29. /TASS/. Poland’s Foreign Ministry has summoned Russia’s Charge d’Affaires Andrey Ordash over the incident with a missile, according to a statement published on the ministry’s website.

"In the evening, Deputy Foreign Minister Wladyslaw Teofil Bartoszewski summoned the Charge d’Affaires of the Russian Federation, Andrey Ordash, to hand him a note in which the Foreign Ministry demands an explanation concerning the incident involving the incursion of a cruise missile into Polish airspace and also that such actions should be stopped immediately," the statement said.

On December 29, Poland’s Armed Forces Operational Command reported that an unidentified aerial object entered national airspace from Ukraine. Polish President Andrzej Duda convened an emergency meeting with the Defense Ministry’s top brass. General Wieslaw Kukula, chief of the Polish Armed Forces’ General Staff, claimed that a Russian missile had breached Polish airspace for some time.
