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Russian Olympic champion Zhurova says ROC has good chances to challenge IOC decision

On November 6, the Court of Arbitration for Sport registered the ROC's appeal against the IOC's decision to suspend

MOSCOW, November 6. /TASS/. The Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) has good chances in its litigation against the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Russian Olympic champion and State Duma (lower house of parliament) member, Svetlana Zhurova, told TASS.

Earlier in the day, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) said that it has registered the appeal filed by the Russian Olympic Committee against the IOC’s decision to suspend its membership in the organization.

"We have good chances to try to defend in court our rights," Zhurova said. "There is such a notion as caselaw. Bearing in mind the difference in verdicts on us and on the Israelis, the ROC has all the chances in court. However, it is too early to hope for anything. Things will stay this way until there is a new team in the IOC."

"It would be beneficial for the IOC if a decision in our favor is made not by it but by court. The IOC is not independent and [IOC President Thomas] Bach is a hostage. Although I think they want to return Russians and Belarusians under their national flags," she added.

On October 12, the IOC suspended the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) until further notice after the Russian organization included the Olympic councils of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR), the Zaporozhye and Kherson Regions as its members. The suspension means that the ROC cannot act as a national Olympic committee and receive financing from the Olympic movement. The IOC however reserved the right to clear Russian athletes for taking part in the Olympics Games in Paris in 2024 as neutrals. Later, IOC President Thomas Bach said that Russian athletes should have no relations to the ROC to be allowed to compete at the Olympic Games.