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West playing zero-sum game in hybrid war against Russia, says Lavrov

It is reported that the West views the hybrid war that it started to prepare for long before last year

MOSCOW, March 10. /TASS/. The West has decided on a winner-take-all approach in its hybrid war against Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.

"Extremely aggressive rhetoric is being used against Russia, while actions, which first and foremost include never-before-seen illegal sanctions, make it clear that the West has decided for itself that it’s a zero-sum game," he noted in an interview with Channel One’s "The Great Game" show.

"It [the West] views the hybrid war that it started to prepare for long before last year, right after the coup [in Ukraine], as its ‘last and final struggle.’ This is pretty much where things stand," Lavrov added.