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Trade turnover between Russia’s Far East, Asia-Pacific countries hits $47 bln in 2023

According to data provided by Russia’s customs service, trade turnover between Russia and China totaled around $220 bln in 2023

VLADIVOSTOK, February 16. /TASS/. Trade turnover between Russia’s Far East and countries of the Asia-Pacific Region reached $47 bln in 2023, acting head of the Federal Customs Service Ruslan Davydov told reporters.

"Our figure is $47 bln, which is an increase by more than 10% compared with the previous year," he said.

Growth is led by China (72%), Davydov noted. "I think that the prospects are very good. I have already said that the global pivot to Asia has taken place. <…> Everyone has got accustomed to and is aware of the emphasis on the Far East," he added.

According to data provided by Russia’s customs service, trade turnover between Russia and China totaled around $220 bln in 2023. "Speaking about the country in general, <…> [trade totaled] $240 [bln], according to China’s figures, and closer to $230 [bln], according to our data," the official said.