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Experts: joint work in Arctic must remain beyond complicated geopolitical situations

The ‘Eastern Dimension of International Cooperation in the Arctic’ session featured a record number of international participants - nine foreign experts from India, China, Japan, Iceland, and other countries

VLADIVOSTOK, September 8. /TASS/. The complicated geopolitical situation must not affect the joint work of the Arctic Council’s member-states and observers, said experts participating in the ‘Eastern Dimension of International Cooperation in the Arctic’ session during the Eastern Economic Forum.

The session featured a record number of international participants - nine foreign experts from India, China, Japan, Iceland, and other countries.

India’s Navy Officer (1976-2016); Commander-in-Chief of Southern Naval Command and Eastern Naval Command (2012-2016) Satish Soni stressed the Arctic Council’s participants must structure a flexible cooperation even in the complicated situation on the political arena.

As for the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, he said, the countries should not focus on it regarding the Arctic, as in that sphere it is the global cooperation that is top important. According to him, the Arctic Council countries should use a flexible approach to joint work, to united efforts of scientists and researchers to respond successfully to common problems in the Arctic.

The Northern Sea Route’s active exploitation will optimize transport services by practically 90%, he continued, and India is interested in this cooperation, since the country is experienced in developing marine infrastructures.

Wang Wen, Executive Dean, the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, the Renmin University of China (RDCY) spoke about the strategic partnership between Russia and China, including in Arctic projects.

"As for the Arctic, China is a leading country in studies there. However, we are still at the stage of gaining expertise, and, of course, we cooperate with Russia, Norway and other countries, including Japan. In China, the importance of Arctic has been growing. <…> We are interested in having dialogues with each of those countries regarding the Arctic," the Chinese expert said.

China should enter the Arctic ‘accurately,’ so that not to affect there the work of other countries, including Russia, he added.

Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway, Department of Business, History and Social Sciences, Glenn Diesen highlighted the cooperation in the Arctic, which is a history of success between Russia and Norway. This cooperation is beyond geopolitical confrontations, he said. The current geopolitical situation causes more challenges, and the tendency, where Russia tends to move eastbound, would be seen in the Arctic as well, he added.

Clearly, there are many potential partners in the east, who are ready to work with Russia, but, the expert continued, Norway also wants to focus on the Arctic as on a ‘common ground,’ and it needs to be beyond geopolitics, the professor said.

Sasakawa Peace Foundation’s President, Ocean Policy Research Institute, Hide Sakaguchi pointed to the cooperation with Russia on hydrogen projects, which are most important for the Russian Far East. Associate Professor, the Department of International Relations at Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Artem Lukin told the session participants that Russia needs support from foreign partners in implementation of Arctic projects.

"Vladivostok is important as a liaison between Asia and Arctic. Across the Eastern Bosporus, in the territory of the Vladivostok commercial sea port Russia is building a terminal to handle cargo going to the Arctic. As yet, this terminal is being built at Russia’s expense. <…> With China we have implemented two big Arctic projects - Yamal LNG and Arctic LNG, so what’s next? The development of the Arctic means huge money, and for the efficient Arctic development we need Chinese capital. <…> We need to get united with Chinese partners," the associate professor concluded.

Eastern Economic Forum

Organized by the Roscongress Foundation, the Seventh Eastern Economic Forum is running from September 5 to September 8 in Vladivostok. TASS is the event’s general information partner and its official photohost agency.

This year, the theme of the forum is: "On the Path to a Multipolar World.".