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9 Nov 2016, 15:41

Serbian president inspects airborne weapons and equipment during Slavic Brotherhood drills

From November 2 to 15, Russian, Belarussian and Serbian troops will be taking part in the Slavic Brotherhood international military drills, currently under way at ranges outside Belgrade

BELGRADE, November 9 /TASS/. Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic, Serbian servicemen and foreign observers have inspected the equipment and weapons of Russia’s airborne troops and the Ratnik-2 combat gear as part of the Slavic Brotherhood-2016 military exercises, Major General Oleg Polguyev told journalists.

From November 2 to 15, Russian, Belarussian and Serbian troops will be taking part in the Slavic Brotherhood international military drills, currently under way at ranges outside Belgrade.

"The exposition, which was on view at the Pasuljanski Levade range, featured an entire spectrum of weapons and military airborne hardware involved in the drills. They include BMD-2 combat vehicles, four quad-bikes, a Tachyon unmanned aircraft, a communications and flight operating vehicle as well as various military technical equipment and Strelets reconnaissance, command, control and communications system," Polguyev said.

According to him, participants in the exercises and foreign observers also saw a complete set of the Ratnik-2 combat gear, comprising 54 items. Polguyev noted that the Serbian president was particularly interested in a 12.7 mm ASVK sniper rifle.