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2 Sep 2014, 05:08

ROSTA windows: the art of satirical poster

The world famous ROSTA project of satirical posters (1919-1921) in this photo gallery by ITAR-TASS

During the Bolshevik revolution on October 25 (November 7) 1917, the Petrograd Telegraph Agency (PTA), predecessor of ITAR-TASS, was seized by revolutionary Baltic Fleet seamen. Later it was decreed to become the central government information agency, moved to Moscow and renamed Russian Telegraph Agency (ROSTA). 

The agency became famous due to satirical posters, the so-called ROSTA windows. The tradition appeared during the Civil War and the posters were mostly aimed at discrediting opponents of the new authorities.

Many famous artists, poets and journalists took part in the creation of ROSTA posters, among them poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, graphic designers Alexander Rodchenko and Mikhail Cheremnykh, artist Kazimir Malevich and others. 

The world famous ROSTA project of satirical posters (1919-1921) in this photo gallery by ITAR-TASS