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Load shifting likely to entail ship capsizing in Sakhalin

Investigation is underway to ascertain all the causes and circumstances of the accident, the regulator reported

MOSCOW, October 18. /TASS/. According to preliminary data, a ship capsized in Sakhalin due to load shifting and stability loss, the press service of the Russian Federal Transportation Oversight Service (Rostransnadzor) told TASS.

"Tentatively, load shifting, appeared roll and loss of ship stability were the cause of capsizing," the press service said.

Investigation is underway to ascertain all the causes and circumstances of the accident, the regulator added.

The Grigory Lovtsov ship laden with construction materials and a truck capsized in the Sea of Okhotsk, two miles away from the port of Korsakov, the watchdog said. According to the regulator, eight people were on board. Three people were rescued, two more died, while the fate of others is not yet known.