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US to run 'smear campaign' in Georgia, seeks to oust current regime — Russian intel agency

"With its usual anti-Russian fervor, the White House intends to build the propaganda activity on a sensational revelation, blaming Russia for all of Georgia’s problems," the statement reads

MOSCOW, July 9. /TASS/. Washington is determined to change the government in Georgia after the country holds its parliamentary election in October, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) said in a statement available to TASS.

"The information that the SVR has been receiving makes it clear that Washington is determined to change the government in Georgia after the country’s October 26 parliamentary election. The Joe Biden administration has already developed a large-scale information campaign aimed at smearing the ruling Georgian Dream party," the statement reads.

"The main plot of a scenario concocted 'straight out of Hollywood' has now become known. With its usual anti-Russian fervor, the White House intends to build the propaganda activity on a sensational revelation, blaming Russia for all of Georgia’s problems," the statement reads. "The focus will be on promoting accusations against the [ruling party] Georgian Dream of lacking political independence, which threatens to steer the scarlet-sailed Georgia vessel away from the European coast," the SVR added.

"Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili is supposed to play a key role in fueling anti-government sentiment," the intel agency went on to say. "According to the Washington puppeteers behind the plan, the head of state will give an interview to a US media outlet, blaming the Georgian government for the stalled talks on Tbilisi’s EU accession, and warning the public about the devastating consequences of a rapprochement with Moscow and the harm that immigrants from Russia were causing in Georgia. Also, Washington plans to use Zourabichvili to prepare voters for a political surprise that the opposition will give to the Georgian Dream party, which could turn out to be another color revolution," the statement added.

According to the SVR, US handlers have already ordered Georgia’s opposition forces to start planning election protests. "A sacrificial lamb is expected to be chosen from the protesters, which will direct the people’s anger against law enforcement officers. American provocation experts have rich experience in that field. Suffice it to recall the Maidan events in Kiev ten years ago, where hundreds of people were sacrificed at the altar of democracy, who were particularly shot down by Georgian mercenary snipers," the SVR emphasized.