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Ukraine complains of lack of guided antiaircraft missiles

The Ukrainian Air Force spokesman added that western allies had mounted the production of the missiles, but their consumption is considerable

MOSCOW, January 9. /TASS/. The Ukrainian armed forces experience a major shortage of guided antiaircraft missiles and current western supplies cannot satisfy the needs, Ukrainian Air Force Spokesman Yury Ignat said.

"Ukraine today depends on the supplies of western weapons. Naturally, there is a shortage of guided antiaircraft missiles, nobody conceals it," he told the Rada TV.

He added that western allies had mounted the production of the missiles, but their consumption is considerable.

Last November Ignat said Washington and Kiev were modifying Soviet-made air defense systems for US missiles, as there was a lack of western antiaircraft launchers. The temporary move had to reinforce Ukrainian air defense until Kiev receives more NASAMS, IRIS-T, Patriot and other systems.

The New York Times earlier reported that Ukraine has requested the United States to create FrankenSAM surface-to-air missiles that will fit Soviet-era launchers. Two options of the hybrid weapon have been tested in the US, it said.