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PREVIEW: Summit of the Future opens in New York ahead of UN high-level week

The two-day event is expected to set the direction for future action in the field of sustainable development, security and human rights

UN, September 22. /TASS/. The Summit of the Future opens at UN headquarters ahead of the general policy debate of the 79th session of the General Assembly (GA)

"The Summit of the Future is designed for the leaders of the world to take a look at the whole global architecture and how we do international cooperation and to make it better," according to a video on the summit’s website.

The two-day event is expected to set the direction for future action in the field of sustainable development, security and human rights, the world organization emphasized.

The summit will be attended by heads of state and government of UN countries, as well as representatives of international organizations and civil society. Despite the fact that the UN considers the Summit of the Future a key event of the General Assembly, the permanent members of the Security Council will not participate in it at the level of heads of state or government. The summit will also be attended by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the Chairman of the 79th session of the General Assembly, Philemon Young.

One of the key results of the Future Summit, as the organizers expect, will be the signing of the "Pact for the Future." This document should reflect the collective commitments of countries to address global problems and strengthen multilateral cooperation. It is also planned to adopt the "Global Digital Compact", which will establish principles for the responsible use of digital technologies. In addition, the "Declaration on Future Generations" will be adopted, stressing the importance of taking into account the interests of young people and future generations in decisions.

As Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said earlier, the work on the draft of the main part of the pact is progressing very slowly, since "the co-coordinators of the negotiations are largely oriented towards Westerners and do not fully take into account the concerns of the countries of the world majority."

According to her, the negotiations on the Global Digital Compact project are also not advancing smoothly, as "the Westerners are trying to stake out a monopoly on Internet regulation, to put states and non-governmental structures on the same level in decision-making on the international technological agenda."

Russia, as a founding member of the UN and a responsible member of the international community, together with its partners in the global majority, will continue its efforts to uphold a multipolar world order. Following the Summit of the Future, on September 24, the UN General Assembly's general policy debates will start, during which heads of state and government will discuss ways to address the global challenges of our time. This year, the theme for the debate will be "Leaving no one behind: acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations.".