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14 packages of EU sanctions against Russia

On June 28, the European Union expanded its sanctions list against the Russian Federation by adding two more individuals and four companies to it including logistics company TransContainer and its general director Mikhail Kontserev. 

In total the 14th package of sanctions against Russia includes 68 Russians, in particular CEO of the Novorossiya Railways Andrey Kazakov, head of the Federal Property Management Agency Vadim Yakovenko, current employees of the FSB Directorate for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, as well as pop singers Polina Gagarina and Yaroslav Dronov (known under the stage name "Shaman"). As for legal entities, the list includes 49 companies and organizations, in particular 42 design bureaus, factories and enterprises.

The first package of sanctions following Russia’s recognition of the independence of the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics was introduced in February 2022. The sanctions targeted Russian lawmakers, other individuals and legal entities, including banks and organizations financing Russia’s operations in the Donbass. After the start of the special operation in Ukraine, the European Union agreed on a second package of measures and added 99 more Russians to the blacklist, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. In total, out of 14 sanctions packages, the European Union approved nine packages in 2022, three in 2023, and two in 2024. Regarding legal entities, the restrictions applied mainly to Russian companies in which the governments holds more than 50% of shares, as well as enterprises associated with the production of military products.

For more information about how the EU sanctions package against Russia has been supplemented since February 2022 – see the TASS infographic.