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Family comes first: poll reveals what Russians value most

The research center noted that strong family ties were especially important for Russians aged 35 to 44

MOSCOW, November 23. /TASS/. About 68% of Russians consider a strong family to be the most important thing in life, according to a survey by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) presented on Thursday.

"On November 22, 2023, President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on holding the Year of the Family in Russia. This decision is intended to promote state policy in the field of protecting the family and preserving traditional family values. As an October poll by VTsIOM showed, the topic resonates with the majority of Russians: 7 out of 10 think that a strong family is the most important thing in life. This priceless asset was a priority regardless of gender, age, financial status or education," the research center said in a statement.

The research center noted that strong family ties were especially important for Russians aged 35 to 44.

According to the poll, patriotism plays a huge role in Russians’ lives.

"A third of Russians named feeling pride for their country and the importance of respecting your elders, keeping traditions (31% each) as something to strive for. The importance of these values goes up with age (25% and 22%, respectively, among 18-24 year olds against 35% and 32% among respondents aged 60 and older)," the study notes.

Next up were a group of personal values, which included friendship, the importance of life, dignity, human rights and freedom (29% each). The list of important values also includes the unity of the peoples of Russia (28%), self-actualization (27%) and charity (26%). Every fifth (21%) person considered personal development to be an important value.

The all-Russian telephone survey VTsIOM-Sputnik was conducted on October 18, 2023, commissioned by the Expert Institute for Social Research. More than 1,600 Russians over the age of 18 took part in it. The maximum margin of error, with a probability of 95%, doesn’t exceed 2.5%.