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Ukraine’s defeat to pave way to peace, well-being for Europeans — senior Russian lawmaker

Konstantin Kosachev stressed that Europe would be safe and peaceful if those who have a vested interest in directly involving NATO countries in the conflict were handed a defeat

MOSCOW, December 29. /TASS/. The path to peace and personal well-being for every European lies through the defeat of Ukraine, Russian Federation Council Deputy Speaker Konstantin Kosachev said.

"I believe it is necessary to convey to every European that the path to peace and his [or her] personal well-being lies precisely through the defeat of Ukraine, which will mean: a radical reduction of threats, including nuclear threats; the return to dialogue in the field of strategic security and security architecture after realizing the impossibility of defeating Russia; lower prices for gas, light, food and gasoline," the senior member of the upper house, or "senate," of Russia’s parliament said in a statement on his Telegram channel.

According to the deputy senate speaker, other positive outcomes of Ukraine's defeat will include the return of European companies to the Russian market, a reduction in military spending accompanied by growth in social spending, the end of war-driven hysteria and the "cancellation" of culture, a return to diplomatic dialogue, an end the flow of refugees, and a reduction in the burden on the social system, as well as a lessening of the responsibility for the reconstruction of Ukraine, and a loss of urgency in the question of bringing Ukraine into the EU.

He said that Europe would be safe and peaceful if those who have a vested interest in directly involving NATO countries in the conflict were handed a defeat. "This extremely uncomfortable truth for Western politicians will gradually find its way into the minds of Europeans, and we need to be more active in talking about it more bluntly," Kosachev pointed out.

The senior lawmaker pointed out that almost every day Western politicians and experts make statements about Russia's almost guaranteed attack on NATO countries in case of Ukraine's defeat. According to him, the very unanimity and synchronicity of such statements confirms that there is a well-planned campaign to spread this false narrative.

Earlier in December, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a Defense Ministry board meeting that Russia had no intention of attacking NATO countries and has no plans to do so in the future. According to him, the made-up issue of the "Russian threat" is being promoted by the US, which fears losing its status of "master" over the European continent.