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Highest Russia-Belarus Union State body may approve new integration plan in 2024 — Lavrov

The top Russian diplomat explained that the foreign ministries of Russia and Belarus have been charged with the task of providing effective diplomatic support for the work of deepening the integration of the Union
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Alexander Shcherbak/TASS
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS

MOSCOW, December 15. /TASS/. The Supreme Council of the Russia-Belarus Union State is expected to approve a new three-year integration package in early 2024, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

"On November 29, Moscow hosted a meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Union State. There, the heads of government approved a new package of integration measures for the next three-year period [covering] 2024-2026, and we expect that this package will be approved by the Supreme State Council of the Union State early next year," Moscow’s top diplomat said in remarks made while opening a board meeting of the foreign policy agencies of Russia and Belarus, together with Belarusian counterpart Sergey Aleinik.

The top Russian diplomat explained that the foreign ministries of Russia and Belarus have been charged with the task of providing effective diplomatic support for the work of deepening the integration of the Union. "This task is specified in the program of action in the sphere of foreign policy for 2022-2023," Lavrov added.