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Fuel sales at SPIMEX set record in 2023

In money terms, the turnover of petroleum products trading as of the end of the last year totaled 1.62 trillion rubles ($17.9 bln), compared to 1.4 trillion rubles ($15.5 bln) in 2022

MOSCOW, January 9. /TASS/. Petroleum products sales at the St. Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange (SPIMEX) gained 6.4% and climbed to record high 31 mln metric tons, the bourse said.

In money terms, the turnover of petroleum products trading as of the end of the last year totaled 1.62 trillion rubles ($17.9 bln), compared to 1.4 trillion rubles ($15.5 bln) in 2022, up 15% year on year.

Sales moved up by 2.5% to 3.631 mln metric tons of Premium (95-octane) gasoline, by 7.9% to 14.75 mln metric tons for diesel fuel, and by 19.6% to 1.647 mln metric tons for jet fuel. Trading in Regular (92-octane) gasoline plunged by 3.7% to 6 mln metric tons, SPIMEX reported.

Petroleum products trading at SPIMEX in December 2023 was also record-breaking and totaled 3.32 mln metric tons, having the upsurge by 19.7% against November 2023 and by 14.1% as compared to December 2022.