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Environmental damage from Nord Stream explosions estimated at 30% of Denmark’s emission

It is noted that the one-time damage is in place, but it is not critical at a global scale

MOSCOW, February 16. /TASS/. The environmental damage from the terrorist act at Nord Stream gas pipelines is present but the global, the political damage is much higher, special envoy of the Russian President for environmental protection, ecology and transport Sergey Ivanov told TASS in an interview.

"If we speak about such narrow segment as the environmental damage from the terrorist act of Nord Stream gas pipeline explosion, it is present, but it is not a critical one, I would say. It is difficult for us to assess the environmental damage just because we have no access to any investigation. All that is passing by, without our participation," the special envoy said.

Ivanov cited opinions and assessments of Western experts as regards the explosion. "They approximately come down to the fact that the one-off release of methane and carbon dioxide from the explosion of gas pipelines corresponds to about 30% of annual emission of such substances by Denmark. The one-time damage is in place, but it is not critical at a global scale," the special envoy noted. "I would say the political damage is much more important than the environmental damage," Ivanov added.