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IDF eliminates about 5,000 Hamas militants since October 7 — newspaper

It is also emphasizes that Israel’s ongoing operation in the northern Gaza Strip is "far from complete" because Israeli ground forces have yet to enter some of Hamas’ key strongholds in the enclave

WASHINGTON, December 6. /TASS/. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has eliminated at least 5,000 militants from the radical Palestinian movement Hamas since the escalation began on October 7, The Washington Post said, citing sources in Israeli intelligence.

According to the newspaper, despite eliminating about 5,000 militants, "the majority of the group’s estimated 30,000-strong military wing [remain] intact." However, the newspaper stressed that "the count is complicated by the fact that many militants are believed to have been killed underground in tunnels." "Israeli estimates are based in part on intercepts of Hamas’s own assessments" but the newspaper notes that it is in the IDF’s interests "to up the numbers." According to it, Hamas can make up for its losses because "it has easy access to recruits."

The Washington Post also emphasizes that Israel’s ongoing operation in the northern Gaza Strip is "far from complete" because Israeli ground forces have yet to enter some of Hamas’ key strongholds in the enclave. "This is going to be a long haul," said IDF Spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Richard Hecht. "We need the time," he added.

Experts told the Washington Post that international pressure on Israel "will make it hard for the IDF to replicate its northern strategy over the long term," meaning, above all, Israeli bombing attacks in the northern Gaza Strip. The newspaper notes that the IDF will more likely "focus on raids and counterinsurgency operations."

Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7 when militants from the Gaza-based Palestinian radical group Hamas staged a surprise incursion into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Hamas described its attack as a response to the aggressive actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City. In response, Israel has declared a state of war readiness; announced a total blockade of the Gaza Strip, home to 2.3 million Palestinians; and began delivering air strikes on the enclave and certain parts of Lebanon and Syria. On December 1, the IDF accused Hamas of violating the ceasefire and announced renewed fighting in the Gaza Strip. Palestine’s authorities said the US was responsible for Israel’s renewed aggression.