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Ukraine’s Zelensky, Kuleba lie claiming readiness for talks — Russia’s OSCE envoy

According to Maxim Buyakevich, the Kiev regime’s steps have "nothing in common with efforts to resolve the conflict and achieve a lasting and just peace"

VIENNA, July 26. /TASS/. Ukraine’s President Vladimir Zelensky and Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba tell lies when claiming willingness for talks with any Russian representatives, Russian Deputy Permanent Representative to the OSCE Maxim Buyakevich said during a meeting of its Standing Committee.

"We paid attention to Zelensky’s recent interview with the BBC, in which he claimed that he was allegedly willing to seek the end to ‘the hot phase of the conflict’ by the end of this year. Moreover, he lied that Kiev was ready to talk with any representatives of Russia, including Russian President [Vladimir] Putin," he said. "The same lie was told by [Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry] Kuleba in Beijing on July 23.

However, the Russian envoy said, "the leaders of the Kiev regime ‘forgot’ to recall the executive order signed by Zelensky on September 30, 2022, which imposed an indefinite legislative ban on any contact with the Russian leadership in regard to the [conflict] resolution."

According to Buyakevich, the Kiev regime’s steps have "nothing in common with efforts to resolve the conflict and achieve a lasting and just peace."

"Their objective is different, which is to misinform the international community, drag on the armed confrontation, and secure conditions for a large-scale military escalation in the coming months and years," the diplomat said,

Buyakevich believes that such statements of the Ukrainian side are nothing but an imitation "of the aspiration for peace, simply put, they are fraud so as to deceitfully involve more and more members of the international community in the 'bankrupt' 'Copenhagen group' with its 10-item unviable 'Zelensky formula'."

The Russian diplomat emphasized that Moscow’s stance on ending the armed confrontation in Ukraine was spelled out by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with senior staff of the Foreign Ministry on June 14, 2024. Buyakevich said that any potential dialogue aimed at resolving the Ukraine conflict "must be conducted through recognizing realities and taking them into account."

"For now, the Kiev regime is desperately investing in stepping up the confrontation. Being unable to reverse the situation on the battlefield, it is increasingly resorting to terrorist tactics," he concluded.