MOSCOW, September 22. /TASS/. Russian Moslems will remit cash to Mozambique to help their brethren in that African country buy about 200 rams so that their fellow-believers in the southern African country could celebrate Eid el-Adha festival with the traditional culling of the sacrificial rams.
"We managed to raise the money sufficient to buy some 200 rams on the basis of a price estimate of $100 dollars per head," a spokesman for the Religious Department of Russian Moslems told TASS.
The department and the Zakyat charity fund annually raise money for impoverished, elderly and disabled Moslems and for the residents of various African countries. By way of random choosing, Mozambique where the disciples of Islam make up about 18% of the population was chosen this year.
In addition to this, about 300 families in Moscow will be able to get from 3 kg of 5 kg of meat for the festive table.
To attend the rite of sacrificing all the Moslems wishing to do so provide their personal data and contribute a fee amounting to the cost of an animal. Thus a ram will cost 6,500 rubles and 1/7 of as cow will cost 7,500 rubles.
"All the contributors will get specialized tickets confirming their participation in the rite," the spokesman said.
Moscow City’s laws prohibited the culling of animals within the city boundaries but thirteen specialized sites have been organized in the Moscow region. The Council of Russia’s Muftis has urged the guest workers from Moslem countries to refrain from abusing the hospitality of Muscovites and to refrain from performing the rite of sacrifice in the city.
Eid el-Adha marks the mercy and blessing, which the Almighty bestowed on the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), who was ready to sacrifice his son beloved son Ismail (Isaac). For this sincere display of obedience and piety, Ibrahim was sent a ram for sacrificing and his child was spared.
The Arabic tradition suggests that Ismail became the founder of the Arab nation.
In Russia where most Moslems are Turkic-speaking, this feast is known as Kurban Bayrami.