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'Silver' volunteers join Clean Arctic project

It is noted that the organization's age limit has been 35 years, where most volunteers are young men and women not older than 25 years

MOSCOW, March 21. /TASS/. The so-called 'silver age' volunteers joined the Clean Arctic project to remove from the Russian Arctic the waste, accumulated there from the Soviet times, Clean Arctic's press service said on Monday.

"Every spring, before the field season starts, we receive many applications from people older than 50 and even 60. <…> We used to reject politely those applicants due to the age limit we have. This year, we have agreed the volunteer teams will include the so-called 'silver volunteers'," the press service quoted the project's coordinator Anastasiya Faterina as saying.

The organization's age limit has been 35 years, where most volunteers are young men and women not older than 25 years, she added.

Clean Arctic's leader Andrey Nagibin stressed every 'silver' volunteer would have to undergo health and physical abilities tests. Only those who are 100% healthy and physically fit will be able to participate in expeditions, the press service said referring to him.

Clean Arctic is a project to clean the Arctic territory. Captain of the 50 Let Pobedy nuclear-powered Arctic-class icebreaker, Dmitry Lobusov, and Gennady Antokhin, Captain on FESCO’s ships from 1982 to 2012, are the project’s authors. Clean Arctic has developed into a platform, which unites public and volunteer organizations, scientists, officials and businesses. The project’s partners are Norilsk Nickel, Rosatom, PhosAgro, and RZD.