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Poll reveals nearly 60% of Russians have negative attitude to NATO

According to the survey, 62% of the Russians polled predominantly think that NATO is a military bloc aimed at aggressive actions against Russia and its allies

MOSCOW, April 4. /TASS/. Nearly 60% of the Russians polled tend to regard the NATO bloc as hostile to Russia and have a negative attitude toward it, according to the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) published on Monday.

The telephone survey was conducted on April 2 among 1,600 adult respondents.

"Results of the research about the attitude of Russians to NATO military-political bloc show that 59% of respondents have rather negative attitude towards it, one in five respondents (23%) treats it indifferently and 2% of those polled reported their positive attitude," the report says.

62% of the Russians polled predominantly think that NATO is a military bloc aimed at aggressive actions against Russia and its allies. Those who believe that NATO is a military alliance defending member countries are in minority (15%).

"46% of the Russians polled agree with the goal of the NATO bloc now, as at the time of its creation in 1949, remains the military-political deterrence of Russia, while 32% believe that this goal has changed," the materials of the study note.

At the same time the majority of respondents (81%) have heard about NATO's military operations in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, and Iraq in recent years; 5% have not heard about it at all. "73% of the Russians polled are informed about facts of crimes against humanity during the military operations, 8% of respondents have not heard about it," the research says.
