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Growing number of countries liberating themselves from Western influence — Lavrov

The Russia's top diplomat drew attention to the fact that profound changes of the global order were currently going on, as "before our very eyes a more just, multipolar and polycentric architecture is being formed"

MOSCOW, June 26. /TASS/. More and more of the world’s countries are embracing an independent policy free from selfish Western influence, thus aligning with Russia in the belief that national interests trump all, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said at the 10th Primakov Readings forum.

"Anyone who looks at the international agenda certainly cannot ignore the fact that more and more Eurasian, Asian-Pacific, Middle Eastern, African and Latin American countries now pursue a more independent political course," the minister noted. "Step by step, with great effort, they are setting themselves free from this Western influence which still advocates for its own selfish interests only, aiming to live at others’ expense. This was the way it was during the colonial era, and now is no different," Lavrov added.

He also drew attention to the fact that profound changes of the global order are currently going on, as "before our very eyes a more just, multipolar and polycentric architecture is being formed."

"This process has even been accelerated by the special military operation in Ukraine," the minister emphasized.

According to the minister, the change in the world's political landscape, the emergence of multipolarity and the desire of nations to secure their rights are based on "objective tendencies to strengthen the positions of the states of the global South, the global East and, in general, the world majority in the economy and geopolitics."

The Primakov Readings were first held in 2015. The forum has acquired the status of an authoritative platform for the discussion of scenarios for the development of international relations, challenges to international security, and new models of interaction between the constituents of world politics. TASS is the prime media partner of the conference.