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US 'confrontational hysteria' led to Sevastopol terrorist attack — media

According to the agency, a continuous chain of defeats in the military confrontation with Russia has caused "Ukrainian puppets to resort to reckless terrorism"

SEOUL, June 25. /TASS/. The United States is responsible for the consequences of the missile strike on Sevastopol because it supplied lethal weapons to Ukraine, pursued a confrontational policy and "incited its henchmen to a reckless attack," the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported.

"The atrocities of the Ukrainian armed forces are a direct product of the brutal anti-Russian confrontational hysteria of the United States, which not only supplied large quantities of lethal weapons, but also incited the henchmen to launch a reckless attack, authorizing them to strike any facilities on Russian territory with US-made weapons at their will," the article reads.

According to the agency, a continuous chain of defeats in the military confrontation with Russia has caused "Ukrainian puppets to resort to reckless terrorism." KCNA quoted the Russian ambassador to Washington as saying that the United States "will not sit behind the ocean and escape responsibility for the blood and tears of innocents."

On Sunday, Ukraine attacked civilian infrastructure in Sevastopol using ATACMS tactical missiles, equipped with cluster munitions. While four missiles were downed, a fifth exploded over the Crimean city. Four people, including two children, were killed in the attack, with over 150 others being injured. The Russian Investigative Committee has launched a criminal probe into the terrorist attack. Russian President Vladimir Putin offered his condolences to Sevastopol residents.