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Security should be built on Eurasian models — Lavrov

The top Russian diplomat does not expect this realization to come any time soon, as NATO, along with the Americans, are "fiercely trying to justify their penetration into the Asia-Pacific region"

MINSK, June 25. /TASS/. Eurasian countries need to come to the realization that security on the continent should be built from within, free from American influence, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said during a meeting with students and professors of the Academy of Public Administration of Belarus.

"I hope that the countries of the continent, every last one, will eventually come to understand this need [to build security along Eurasian lines]," he said.

The minister does not expect this realization to come any time soon, as NATO, along with the Americans, are "fiercely trying to justify their penetration into the Asia-Pacific region, creating mini-blocs, various configurations, drawing the world's majority countries into these blocs, trying to split the established forms of interaction."

"But at some stage, everyone will certainly come to realize that one is responsible for their own happiness. When your happiness is being forged in Washington, you suffer from it," the minister concluded.