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Russia has plans to revive its troika with India, China, Lavrov says

According to the foreign minister, while Russia, India and China will only benefit from the revival of trilateral meetings, the West has been making every effort to undermine the process

MOSCOW, June 26. /TASS/. Russia has plans to convene meetings with India and China again, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at the 10th Primakov Readings international forum on Wednesday.

"It [the Russia-India-China (RIC) troika] does not convene often, and that’s not our fault. But we do have plans to revive this format," Lavrov said as he explained that the BRICS grouping also came from triangular meetings between Russia, India and China.

According to Lavrov, while Russia, India and China will only benefit from the revival of trilateral meetings, the West has been making every effort to undermine the process.

"Both Beijing and New Delhi are willing to maintain trilateral cooperation. I am confident that all of us will only benefit if this `troika’ makes common cause toward aligning our positions, primarily on key issues facing the Eurasian continent and on the global agenda. Meanwhile, the West has pursued quite opposite goals," Russia’s top diplomat maintained.

However, the two Russian allies prefer to wait until the turbulence in the global economy subsides, "without questioning the basics or mechanisms of globalization developed by the Americans," Lavrov continued. Nor would China and India wish to question the role of the US dollar "on which many would still like to rely." And yet, "like us, China and India understand the discriminatory nature of Western moves," he concluded.

The Primakov Readings international forum is being held in Moscow on June 25-26. TASS is the event’s general information partner.