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Rome to honor commitments on Ukraine as part of international alliances - minister

Guido Crosetto believes that "Russia seeks to weaken all countries that support Ukraine, starting with Italy."

ROME, October 23. /TASS/. The new Italian government will continue to honor its commitments as part of international alliances, including on Ukraine, Guido Crosetto, the country’s new defense minister, said in an interview to the Repubblica newspaper published on Sunday.

"The government's position [on sending weapons to Ukraine] has already been repeatedly expressed by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni: When you are part of a common family and signed an agreement, you accept the decision of this group. Italy will respect the decisions taken by our historic international alliances. And there is no disagreement on this issue," the minister said.

Crosetto believes that "Russia seeks to weaken all countries that support Ukraine, starting with Italy." He also expects "hard weeks" ahead in terms of maintaining social order.

"There is a great risk of poverty and unemployment, and that causes outrage among the people. And we must take this aspect into account, because it can prompt domestic instability, which compounds the international problems," Crosetto said.
