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Russia’s battlegroup West thwarts Ukraine’s attempts to strengthen its positions

Over the past 24 hours, up to 120 enemy military personnel, two towed FH-70 howitzers, seven units of car equipment, five aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicles and two ammunition supply points were destroyed

MOSCOW, July 2. /TASS/. Russia's battlegroup West thwarted attempts to strengthen forward positions and rotation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Vodyanovo, Shevchenko, Urozhayny, and Lugovsky districts, Head of the group's press center Alexander Gordeyev told TASS.

"Units of the Vostok group of forces improved the situation along the front line, thwarted the enemy's attempts to strengthen forward positions and rotations in strongholds in the Vodyanovo, Shevchenko, Urozhaynoye, and Lugovskoye areas. They stopped the actions of engineering groups in the Chervonovo and Dorozhnyanki areas," he said.

Gordeyev clarified that over the past 24 hours, up to 120 enemy military personnel, two towed FH-70 howitzers, seven units of car equipment, five aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicles and two ammunition supply points were destroyed.