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US plotting against Chinese electric car industry — Chinese Ambassador to Moscow

Zhang Hanhui noted that such actions will result in a slowdown in the global "green transformation" and a shaken faith in international cooperation in combatting climate change

MOSCOW, July 2. /TASS/. The United States is developing "protectionist plots" against electric vehicles from China, trying to solve problems in the trade and economic sphere under the guise of protecting national security, Chinese Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui said in an interview with TASS.

He noted that the development of production of electric vehicles and other products using alternative energy sources and green economic transformation is an initiative "unanimously proposed by the international community."

"In recent years, the United States has significantly increased tariffs not only on goods from China, but also on goods from many countries in Asia, South America, and Europe," the diplomat noted, discussing the introduction of increased tariffs on electric vehicles imported from China.

In his opinion, such actions will result in a slowdown in the global "green transformation" and a shaken faith in international cooperation in combatting climate change.