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Donetsk mayor blasts strike on city’s Kuibyshev District as war crime

According to preliminary data, 13 people were killed, including two children

MOSCOW, September 19. /TASS/. Donetsk Mayor Alexey Kulemzin on Monday said the Ukrainian forces hit the city’s Kuibyshev District in a deliberate strike that is a war crime.

"Ukrainian punishers inflicted a pre-meditated and deliberate strike on civilians in order to claim as many human lives as possible. It's a crime <... > We all want them to be held to account," he said on Channel One television.

Kulemzin said that the center of the Kuibyshev District, which took the hit, is a busy place where various civil infrastructure is located.

The Donetsk News Agency reported that two Ukrainian shells hit a bus stop and a store and more shells exploded elsewhere in the area. According to preliminary data, 13 people were killed, including two children. Another eight people sustained wounds of various severity.