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Zaporozhye official suggests executing war criminals

It must be introduced for war crimes, for mass killings of civilians, Vladimir Rogov said

SIMFEROPOL, June 14. /TASS/. Punishing war crimes with a death penalty is necessary, a member of the chief council of the civil-military administration of the Zaporozhye Region Vladimir Rogov told the Soloviev Live TV channel on Tuesday.

"No matter how badly we want to do something with those villains, everything must be in line with the law. I’m firmly convinced that a death penalty is a necessity for our territories. It must be introduced for war crimes, for mass killings of civilians. <…> Or, there should be a guaranteed life sentence for all scoundrels involved in war crimes," Rogov said.

In his opinion, "as soon as all those militants <…> are captured, they will betray each other very quickly."

The head of Melitopol’s military-civilian administration said on June 9 the authorities in Ukraine had been involuntarily pushing locals towards a referendum by shelling border areas in order to destroy food reserves.