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Russia, China, Pakistan, US urge Taliban to observe international obligations

The meeting’s participants particularly noted the need to observe the right of women and girls for education

ISLAMABAD, November 11. /TASS/. Russia, China, Pakistan and the US during a meeting in the Troika Plus format held in Islamabad on Thursday urged the Taliban radical movement (outlawed in Russia) to observe all international legal obligations, according to a joint statement made public by Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry following the meeting.

The extended Troika urged the Taliban "to take a friendly approach towards neighboring countries and to uphold Afghanistan’s international legal obligations, including universally accepted principles of international law and fundamental human rights and to protect the safety and legitimate rights of foreign nationals and institutions in Afghanistan," the document noted.

The meeting’s participants particularly noted the need to observe the right of women and girls for education, they "emphasized that access to education for women and girls at all levels is an international obligation and encouraged the Taliban to accelerate efforts to provide for full and equal access to education countrywide."

Additionally, the extended Troika urged the international community to take concrete measures to help Afghanistan fight the coronavirus infection.

At the meeting, it was also noted that international humanitarian organizations express serious concern over the country’s liquidity challenges and the participants vowed to focus on measures to ease access to legitimate bank services.

The Troika Plus meeting on Afghanistan is hosted by Islamabad with the participation of special representatives from China, Russia, the US and Pakistan and the Taliban delegation.