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Wrong to joke in Russia about religion, painful historical events like war — Kremlin

"You can't joke about what is sacred for the Russian people," Dmitry Peskov said

MOSCOW, December 17. /TASS/. Religion, the Great Patriotic War and other heroic but painful pages in the country's history shouldn’t be the subject of jokes, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with RTVI on Friday.

"You can't joke about what is sacred for the Russian people, you can't joke about the war, you can't joke about religion, you can't joke about - well, about some very, very heroic, but painful pages of our history," said Peskov.

He said Russians are very sensitive about these things, which are "a completely different dimension that leaves no place for humor."

"And everything else is up for making jokes, but elegant and nice ones," he said.