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President’s aide calls for recognizing Nazi policy on occupied USSR territory as genocide

He cited historians’ data indicating that about one million civilians had been killed on the occupied territories of the former Soviet Union by the end of 1941 only

MOSCOW, November 30. /TASS/. The Nazi policy on the occupied territories of the former Soviet Union during World War II should be recognized as genocide, Russian president’s aide and chairman of the Russian Military History Society Vladimir Medinsky said on Friday.

"It is high time to raise the issue of recognizing the Nazi policy on the occupied territories of the Soviet Union as deliberate genocide of the USSR peoples. It may probably help stop endless attempts to accuse our country of unleashing World War II," he said at a plenary session of the international forum Lessons of Nuremberg.

He cited historians’ data indicating that about one million civilians had been killed on the occupied territories of the former Soviet Union by the end of 1941 only. "As we know, the Nazi treated Slavic peoples of the Soviet Union as subhuman beings," he said. "Under the Ost general plan, millions of German will dwell on territories cleared of these subhuman beings and Slavic slaves will attend to them."

The forum Lessons of Nuremberg timed to the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Nuremberg Tribunal, which handed a harsh verdict to the main war criminals of the Nazi regime, is being held in Moscow on November 20-21.