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18 Aug 2020, 14:19

China announces alternative energy plan for Hainan

The Hainan authorities are paying increased attention to the region's ecology.

HAIKOU, August 18. /TASS/. The Chinese government has announced a plan for the development of alternative energy in the southern province of Hainan until 2035. This is stated in the comprehensive reform program for the island's energy sector, approved by the group for the comprehensive reforms in the region.

China's authorities aim to turn Hainan into a "clean energy island". By 2025, an eco-friendly, safe and efficient energy base infrastructure will be created on the island. By this time, the share of alternative sources in the structure of consumption of primary energy resources on Hainan should reach approximately 50%. The country's government intends to increase the degree of digitalization of the relevant system and make it more technological.

In the coming years, Hainan will better the energy management system, soon there should be mechanisms for an open industry market. According to plans, by 2035 the province's alternative energy system will become more advanced, and the island should undergo a basic transition to environmentally friendly resources.

The Hainan authorities are paying increased attention to the region's ecology. In particular, they plan to create marine stations for environmental monitoring of water conditions there and to build four waste incineration plants. In 2020, the provincial leadership intends to build water treatment plants in cities, villages and ports, as well as create marine sanitary zones in coastal areas to tackle the ocean's pollution. Moreover, the government plans to restore mangroves on an area of ​​280 hectares.

Hainan's free trade zone 

In April 2018, President Xi Jinping said that the Chinese authorities intend to actively involve Hainan in globalization and to draw foreign investors to the island province. By 2050, according to the authorities, the island should become a unique international cluster with an advanced economy, developed tourism, top-notch scientific, technical and financial potential, and modern medicine. The branches of the best universities and offices of the most powerful corporations in the world will be located on the Island of Hainan. 

By 2025, the Chinese government intends to create an "international center for tourism and consumption" on Hainan. In order to do so, the "Eastern Hawaii" with their unique natural landscapes, thick rainforests and great climate will establish a developed network of hotels, which blend perfectly with white sandy beaches stretching along the coastline. The combination of an exotic subtropical nature and a modern eco-friendly infrastructure will boost tourist inflow to the island from the most distant parts of the world. 
