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Russian experts produce revolutionary genetic method to predict high-blood pressure risk

The innovation, already patented, will make it possible to caution patients about the risk of a high-blood pressure related ailment’s onset

MOSCOW, November 21. /TASS/. Researchers from the Belgorod State University (BelSU) have created an unprecedented technique for forecasting the onset of high-blood pressure through genetic analysis, the BSU press office reported. The innovation, already patented, will make it possible to caution patients about the risk of a high-blood pressure related ailment’s onset.

Hypertension (or high-blood pressure) is one of the most widespread cardiovascular ailments, which can lead to coronary artery disease, heart attacks, and strokes.

"The genetic approach to evaluating the risk of developing diseases and complications may reveal a risk group. Furthermore, by working with the target group more specifically, one could prevent unfavorable consequences. We have used genes of the matrix metalloproteinases to evaluate their impact in the formation of the disease and use it in predicting risks of developing these diseases and any complications. The Belgorod scientists are the first researchers in the world who have managed to obtain such information. This allows us to put forward a method of forecasting and we have already patented it," commented Mikhail Churnosov, head of the study, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Department head of Medical and Biological Research at the BelSU Medical Institute.

The research group from Medical Institute of BelSU discovered combinations of genes that are connected with a high risk of developing cardiovascular ailments.

The suggested technique was tested in a study held at the Belgorod Regional Clinical Hospital of St. Joasaph. The experiment involved about 1,500 patients, with 1,000 in this test group suffering from high-blood pressure and about 500 people comprising the control group.

"The results proved that by applying the new analysis technique one can mark risk groups among patients at the preclinical stage and start promoting health habits that prevent the onset of essential hypertension (high-blood pressure)," Churnosov said.

This latest approach will assist in determining a predisposition for developing high-blood pressure and in preventing its onset.

"Patients should take full care of their health before the illness has already set in. It is always easier and better to prevent the onset of a disease than to deal with treating it later. All these activities are aimed at one goal: improving diagnostic and medical assistance for our citizens," Professor Churnosov stressed.