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Moscow sees West’s accusations of aggression as groundless, Foreign Ministry says

The statement noted that before holding Moscow responsible for its actions in Ukraine, the alliance should assume responsibility for its "military ventures" and inactivity and indifference in the Donbass situation

MOSCOW, February 26. /TASS/. Russia considers accusations of aggression on the part of the West as groundless under the conditions when NATO countries do not aspire to bolster security in Europe, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

"Under the conditions of NATO countries’ intractability and their lack of aspiration to actually improve the security in Europe based on the principle of equal and indivisible security, we view their attempts to accuse us of aggression as groundless," her official commentary said on Saturday following the results of a summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

The statement noted that before holding Moscow responsible for its actions in Ukraine, the alliance should assume responsibility for its "military ventures" and inactivity and indifference in the Donbass situation. "For eight years, Western countries were indifferently observing the murder and abuse of thousands of civilians in southeastern Ukraine," the commentary stressed.

The Russian Foreign Ministry asserted that the US and its allies are not interested in settling the Ukrainian crisis since NATO still plans to continue to supply weapons to Ukraine.

"Attempts are made to accuse Russia of multiple violations of the 1997 Russia-NATO Founding Act. On the contrary, the alliance is increasing its contingent and infrastructure near our borders. It conducts the military colonization of our neighboring countries, using their resources to develop plans on containing Russia. We cannot disregard this course towards confrontation with regards to our country, especially when our key concerns in the security sphere remain unanswered," the statement said.

That said, Moscow’s attempts to hold dialogue on security guarantees did not find understanding on the part of NATO. "Russia’s attempts to begin dialogue on the security guarantees for our country, to bolster defensive capabilities on our own territory, the alliance perceives as aggressive behavior," the commentary noted.